It took a while to get all the shots they needed because he was very fidgety. But that was fine, because it gave us more time to watch and marvel! We saw him opening and closing his hands and mouth and lots and lots of rolling around. I couldn't really tell for sure, but I think he looks a little like Jodi : )
So let the shopping begin! Jodi's already picked out a little baby guayabera so he can match his daddy (and hopefully his granddaddies). We're a little relieved, actually, about the shopping implications of this news- we're just not that into pink.
Besides, a faux-hawk looks much better on a boy : )
Pink aside, the name Atticus just rocks! (Sorry, Avery[sp?], it's nothing personal.)
For those who care:
Atticus means "Man of Attica"
The earliest Atticus I found is:
Titus Pomponius Atticus (110 BC/109 BC – 32 BC), an ancient Roman litterateur / philosopher & friend of Cicero
Other famous Attici here: Wikipedia: Atticus
Oops, sorry, the plural should be Atticai, not Attici
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