In very early pregnancy, one of the toughest things is trying to keep it a secret. Since we were going by just the home test, we didn't want to get anyone's hopes up until we got doctor confirmation. And to make it even tougher, the day we did the test (Saturday, post-Thanksgiving) was the same day as the wedding of a family friend. Which meant we spent the whole evening hanging out with my family- and keeping our secret.
By Monday, we had our doctor confirmation, but we had another factor to consider: fairness among the in-laws. We wanted to tell our parents in person, but Jodi's 'rents are across the state, and we weren't planning on seeing them for a few weeks. And in fairness, we couldn't tell my parents too far ahead of Jodi's. So we had to keep our secret even longer.
But, when we finally told them, it was worth the wait. Check back later for more on that story : )
This is an exceptionally artistic photograph of a pregnancy test. We have ept on the line for you...they want you to shoot their new fall line. (This is from SUZANNE)
OH -- By the way -- CONGRATULATIONS!!
Thanks! For both comments : )
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